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Support Little Hearts Today!


Every Gift Matters

We need your help! Little Hearts Child Development Center is a 501(c)3 entity and monetary gifts are tax-deductible. There are several ways you can support our mission and make a positive impact on the children and families of our community.

Ways to Give


PO Box 2107 Fredericksburg, TX 78624


Help Little Hearts Grow with Our Amazon Wishlist

Our Amazon Wishlist is filled with items that bring joy and learning to children of all abilities! From educational toys and books to gym supplies and classroom essentials, each item helps make Little Hearts a more fun and inclusive space for every child!


Your support allows us to create engaging and enriching experiences for the children in our care. Browse our wishlist today and help us make a difference, one little heart at a time!

Sponsor a Child at Little Hearts!

By sponsoring a child, you can provide a scholarship that covers some or all of the childcare costs for a family in need.

Choose a donation tier that works for you!

$250 - Infants (Weekly)
$500 - Crawlers (Two-Weeks)
$1,000 - Walkers (One Month)
$12,000 - Runners (One Year)
Or choose any amount that works for you!

If you're interested in sponsoring a child at Little Hearts,
call Yvette at 830-992-5719
2024 Giving Campaign

Help Our Garden Grow!

2024 Giving Campaign 

Your donations will help support the construction and furnishing of our facility, and create safe and engaging learning environments for children to grow for years to come. In recognition of your generosity, the name designation of your choice will be commemorated on our Little Hearts Legacy Garden wall, located in the lobby of our facility. Each plaque will feature a drawing of the flower that represents the corresponding donation tier, with each drawing created by children in our community.


Inside Little Hearts Childcare Center Lobby

Jane & Jon Doe

Your Name Here

Giving Levels

Please submit giving form below. We will contact you to confirm availability and name designation.






38 Sleeping Cots


6 Changing Tables



Teacher's Restroom A

Teacher's Restroom B

36 Cribs



Children's Restroom A

Children's Restroom B

18-23 Months Furniture

24-36 Months Furniture

Indian Paintbrush

Gym Lighting

Director's Office

Artwork in Gym

Gym Equipment

Gym Storage Room


Staff Room + Furniture

Lobby/Reception + Furniture


Family Room + Furniture

Mother's Room + Furniture

Conference Room + Furniture

Classroom Furniture



Infant Room A 

Infant Room B

Year Old Room A

Year Old Room B

18-23 months Room

24-36 months Room



Kitchen + Equipment

Playground + Equipment

Little Hearts Legacy Garden Wall

Please take a moment to fill out the form.

Thank you for supporting our community!

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